Feature Story
Health Center Today, June 27, 2011
Search Committee Named for Next Vice President for Health Affairs and Medical School Dean
By Carolyn Pennington
University of Connecticut President Susan Herbst has announced the members of
the search committee for the Health Center’s next vice president for health
affairs and medical school dean. The list includes a wide range of people
including many department heads, administrative officers and students.
In a statement released to the Health Center community, Herbst said, “The membership of the committee is intended to represent our vital constituencies.” Herbst also noted, “We are determined to find the most talented and imaginative leader that we possibly can, one that UConn deserves, as we march into an incredibly bright future.”
The search is expected to take approximately six months to complete.
Mun Choi, dean of the School of Engineering, and Dr. Gerard Burrow, chair of the UConn Health Center Board of Directors, will serve as co-chairs of the committee.
Members of the UConn Health Center Search Committee are:
- Edward Almonte, Police Officer, Public Safety
- Carolle Andrews, Chief Administrative Officer
- John Biancamano, Chief Financial Officer
- Winston Campbell, Interim Chair, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Jon Goldberg, Professor, Professor of Oral Rehabilitation, Biomaterials and Skeletal Development
- David Henderson, Associate Dean, Medical Student Affairs
- Marc Lalande, Senior Associate Dean, Research Planning and Coordination
- Ellen Leone, Chief Nursing Officer
- Jay Lieberman, Director, New England Musculoskeletal Institute, Professor and Chairman, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
- Les Loew, Professor, Cell Biology and Computer Science and Engineering; Director, Center for Cell Analysis and Modeling
- Monty MacNeil, Dean, School of Dental Medicine
- Bruce Mayer, Professor, Department of Genetics and Developmental Biology, and AAUP Representative
- Jean Morningstar, President, University Health Professionals
- Kiki Nissen, Associate Dean, Graduate Medical Education
- Glen Russo, Medical Student
- David Shafer, Associate Professor and Chair, Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
- Brittany Sonnichsen, Dental Student
- Pramod Srivastava, Professor of Immunology; Director, Neag Comprehensive Cancer Center
- Mike Summerer, Director, John Dempsey Hospital
- Sandy Weller, Professor and Chair, Department of Molecular Microbial and Structural Biology
- Staff to the Committee: Kathleen Kay, UConn Health Center
Herbst also announced that Dr. Warren Ross of Kom/Ferry International will assist in the international search in order to build a greater pool of candidates. Before coming to Korn/Ferry, Ross served as executive associate dean at the University of Florida’s College of Medicine, followed by appointment as chief executive officer of the University of Florida Health System. He has extensive experience with academic medical centers and leadership searches.
Herbst says she and UConn Provost Peter Nicholls will be visiting the Health Center regularly to “gather your reflections on the future, and to hear your hopes for our next leader.” The first town hall meetings are scheduled for Thursday, August 11, or Monday, August 22, between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. in Keller Auditorium.
Herbst also urged Health Center employees to begin thinking of colleagues around the nation to nominate as candidates for the position of vice president and send any nominations to Kathleen Kay at kkay@uchc.edu.