As reported by the Republican-American, November 16, 2009.
Despite Recommendations, Many Opt Out of Swine Flu Vaccine
By Matthew O'Rourke
Like most parents, Tammy Hartman has heard the warnings about swine flu.
Some friends and other parents she knows lined up to get the vaccine for the H1N1 virus as soon as it became available.
But Hartman, of Southbury, has decided against vaccinating her five children, who range in age from 3 to 10.
The decision stems from her belief that their bodies need to build immunities on their own against the flu.
"The bottom line is I think that God did a pretty good job putting our bodies together for us," Hartman said Thursday, noting her children had been vaccinated against polio and other diseases. "I believe nature has very precious balance, and the more science messes with it, it can get out of whack. The body needs to learn how to fight theses things off."
Despite the near-unanimous urgings of doctors and national health authorities, millions of Americans are opting out of the swine flu vaccination program.
In a survey released by the Pew Research Center for People & the Press, a nonprofit organization, fewer than half polled said they would get the vaccine. Close to 35 percent of people surveyed said they felt the vaccine had not been tested enough, and another 16 percent were skeptical about vaccines in general.
Some, like the Hartmans, are declining the shots or nasal mists for reasons that vary from questions about the safety and efficacy of the drug to a belief that bodies build their immune systems more effectively. Some simply say they distrust the government.
Although the vaccination isn't mandatory, health officials at the local, state and federal levels have encouraged individuals to get vaccinated since the swine flu was declared a pandemic six months ago.
Officials say concerns about the safety of the vaccine are meritless because swine flu vaccine is manufactured the same way as seasonal flu vaccines. The injectable vaccine uses dead viruses; the nasal mist vaccine uses live viruses that are unable to reproduce.
"Treating any illness is always a trade-off, but there is a wealth of medical evidence for taking the vaccine," said Dr. Raymond Sullivan, director of the Middlebury Health Department. "We certainly are advocates for the vaccine."
Bruce Cianciolo's family has also elected not to receive the vaccine. Cianciolo, a Watertown resident, said he was concerned that too many people have rushed to get the vaccinations. He said he believes the best option for his four children is to maintain a good diet and healthy hygiene habits.
"It seems like when the government comes out with something, everyone jumps on the bandwagon," Cianciolo said. "You ought to be able to step back and think for yourself. I don't like the idea of putting anything foreign into the body that's not supposed to be there on purpose."
Dr. Robert Trestman, professor of medicine and psychiatry at UConn Medical Center, said people have questioned injections since the first smallpox vaccine was developed. The challenge for professionals is to convince a majority of people to get the vaccine in order to stop the pandemic's spread, he said.
"So many are driven by their beliefs and not training or logic," Trestman said. "If they come across stuff in print, on talk radio, television or on the Internet that alleges horrible subsequent consequences of getting the vaccine and they don't see countervailing arguments, they're going to believe that. This is a very challenging time and more harm can come from the anxiety people may have."
More than 200,000 people are hospitalized each year due to seasonal flu-related illnesses, and close to 36,000 people die from complications, according to the national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
In figures released Thursday, the CDC estimated that 3,900 Americans have died from swine flu-related complications and nearly 22 million have been hospitalized.
Typically, the elderly are considered the most at-risk group from seasonal flu, but officials note the swine flu is more likely to impact children under the age of 5 with medical conditions, as well as pregnant women, healthy young people from birth through age 24 and adults 25 to 64 with medical conditions.
Dr. Diane Fountas, a pediatrician in Waterbury, recommends the vaccine to her patients. She said she has heard anecdotes from patients about side effects from different injections.
"In general, vaccines have a bad reputation in the public," Fountas said. "Despite the fact the issues have been refuted, it keeps getting bantered about. But usually when they hear that 'Yes, I think it's safe,' they'll believe me."